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Marcel Washington Of Charlotte North Carolina Will Spend 25 Years In Prison

WEB Judge approves plea deal in Charlottesville Downtown Mall murder case

Marcel Washington of Charlotte, North Carolina will spend 25 years in prison

The victim's family speaks out against the plea deal

A judge has approved a plea deal in the Charlottesville Downtown Mall murder case. Marcel Washington of Charlotte, North Carolina will spend 25 years in prison for the murder of 22-year-old Hannah Graham.

Graham disappeared in September 2014 after a night out with friends. Her body was found five weeks later in a wooded area near the Downtown Mall.

Washington was arrested in connection with Graham's death in January 2015. He pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and abduction in exchange for a 25-year prison sentence.

The victim's family spoke out against the plea deal, saying that they believe Washington should have received a longer sentence.

"We are very disappointed with the plea deal," said Graham's father, John Graham. "We believe that Marcel Washington should have received a life sentence for taking Hannah's life."

The judge who approved the plea deal said that he took into consideration the fact that Washington had no prior criminal record and that he had expressed remorse for his actions.

Washington is scheduled to be sentenced on June 29.
